Unlock 5: Events industry allowed to organise B2B exhibitions

As India has entered in to the ‘Unlock 5.0’, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has issued guidelines for opening up of more activities in areas outside the Containment Zones. In these guidelines, which will come into effect from October 1st, 2020, the process of re-opening of activities has been extended further. 
During Unlock 5.0 events industry is allowed to hold B2B exhibitions by following the SOPs issued by MHA, States and UTs. Social, academic, sports, entertainment, cultural, religious, political functions and other congregations have already been permitted with a ceiling of 100 persons, outside Containment Zones only.
Now State/ UT Governments have been given the flexibility to permit such gatherings beyond the limit of 100 persons, outside Containment Zones, after 15th October 2020. In closed spaces, a maximum of 50% of the hall capacity will be allowed, with a ceiling of 200 persons. Wearing of face masks, maintaining social distancing, provision for thermal scanning and use of hand wash or sanitizer will be mandatory.
In open spaces, keeping the size of the space in view and with strict observance of social distancing, mandatory wearing of face masks, provision for thermal scanning and hand wash or sanitizer must be used.
To ensure that such gatherings do not spread COVID-19, State/ UT Governments will issue detailed SOPs to regulate such gathering, and strictly enforce the same.


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