Turismo de Portugal launches #CantSkipHope

The Portuguese Tourism Board has transformed the communication of the tourism destination from #CantSkipPortugal into #CantSkipHope, a message of hope for all, adjusted to the moment of uncertainty that we are living right now amidst
COVID 19 outbreak.
With this initiative, the Portuguese Tourism board wants to make everyone (tourists, tourism professionals and the Portuguese people) understand that this is the time to pause, refocus and join efforts so that we can move forward.
This is a message to the world, through a film with images that reflect the best of Portugal, the landscapes, the moments, the people and the monuments reminding people what awaits us if we all know to wait.
The video was conceived and produced by all teams working from home, therefore making good use of recent archive footage from the Portuguese Tourism Board and voiceover using a smartphone. A big thank you to the producers Blanche films, Bombom, Bro and Show Off who kindly gave us the rights to the footage that was used to make this film.
It will never be too much to share this message of hope: “It is time to reflect. It is time to take a break, for the good of the world. For now, we can dream of those incredible days to come. We are in this together.”
Luís Araújo, President of the Portuguese Tourism Board, highlights the message of the film: “Above all, we would like for this film to serve as an inspiration for a broader reflection and that it would also be an example of a country’s effort to raise awareness and unite everyone to overcome this difficult moment in human history.”
The video will be available through the VisitPortugal’s Social Media:
» YouTube: https://youtu.be/70tcUNgd8IM
» Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/122325156660/videos/221530645964338/
» Twitter: https://twitter.com/visitportugal/status/1241176960157581312
» Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/126100858305743355/
» LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6646940443017785344


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