Thailand resumes services with revised guidelines for citizens and tourists

Over the past few months, the Royal Thai Government and TAT collaboratively undertook strict healthcare measures to ensure the health and safety of the local citizens and stranded tourists.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), Mumbai has informed that the country’s efficient front liners have been successful in reducing the spread of COVID-19. Over the past few months, the Royal Thai Government and TAT collaboratively undertook strict healthcare measures to ensure the health and safety of the local citizens and stranded tourists.
As of 25th May, 2020, the total numbers of infected patients in Thailand is 3042; a total of 2928 patients have completely recovered; 57 patients are receiving treatment presently and 57 deaths have been recorded till date.
The country still continues to observe strict social distancing and mandatory sanitation regulations issued by the government, however, most sectors including travel and hospitality are in the process of resuming services. Thai government approved second phase for easing restrictions from 17 May.
Restaurants, markets, exercise venues, parks, hairdressers, clinics, animal hospitals and grooming parlours, golf courses and driving ranges, shopping malls and hair salons are allowed to operate but will adhere to government guidelines.
Before entering such places, customers will have their body temperature checked, wear a face mask, clean their hands with soap or alcohol, and maintain social distances. Further, the government also declared the reduction of the night-time curfew from 10.00 pm -04.00 am to 11.00 pm-04.00 am.

VISA Update (as of today, subjected to change)

  • By Order of the Minister of Interior of the Kingdom of Thailand, the issuance of Visa on Arrivals (VOA) is temporarily suspended from 13th March 2020 – 30th September 2020. This measure applies to all countries/territories that had earlier been entitled to apply for a Visa on Arrival (19 countries).
  • Thailand has granted automatic visa extensions for foreigners affected by COVID-19 crisis.
  • “Thailand is helping foreign tourists regardless of their status with compassion, warmth and kindness.” by a foreigner stranded in Thailand.
  • Currently VFS application for Thailand is closed.

Airline Update (as of today, subjected to change)

  • The ban on all incoming passenger flights to Thailand has been extended until 30th
    June, 2020.
  • Thai Airways TG 316 plans to start operation on 1st July (Delhi to Bangkok) while TG 332
    and TG 324 are suspended till 24th October 2020.
  • As of now, all other TG flights from India to Thailand are scheduled to start from 24th
    October 2020.
The authorities are hopeful about welcoming international tourists shortly by establishing a new normal of experiencing Thailand and continue to be one of Asia’s most favored destinations.


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