TAFI AP-Telangana Chapter conducts year end meeting

The events also sees EXPO Dubai 2020 presentation

The TAFI Andhra Pradesh Chapter conducted its year end meeting on 23rd December 2021 at Hotel the Park, Hyderabad. The meeting also attended by National General Secretary Abbas Moiz and National Treasurer Hitank Shah along with chapter office bearers, Abdul Majid Faheem, Chairman; Syed Ahmed Hashmi, Secretary and Habeeb Mujtaba, Secretary. The chapter is in the process of expanding its membership base by continuing to add value to their members.
Carl Vaz from EXPO Dubai 2020 conducted a training and presentation on Expo 2020, Dubai which was followed by Question-and-Answer session. The session was knowledgeable, and members were looking forward to marketing the product.
Invitees from major Airlines, VFS, DVPC & DNATA attended and interacted with the members in the networking sessions. The AP & TS chapter took this opportunity to felicitate Airline and other trade partners.
The chapter also felicitated Ex-Secretary M.F.H. Khan of Alton Travels and Cargo and Ex-Treasurer Habeeb Abdul Qadeer AL Hamid of Bismillah Tours and Travels.


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