Prague airport receives ACI airport health accreditation

Obtaining the accreditation proves that a high level of functioning protective measures ensures increased safety of passengers flying through Prague.

In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, Prague Airport began to implement a number of measures aimed at protecting the health of both passengers and airport employees. The correct steps taken by the airport in this area have now been confirmed by the issuance of the international ACI Airport Health Accreditation (AHA) Certificate, which also appreciates the fact that the standards implemented at Václav Havel Airport Prague meet the requirements of international organizations in the aviation industry.
The Accreditation Certificate confirms that the set processes, measures and individual steps applied at Prague Airport meet the requirements and recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the Airports Council International (ACI), which has now awarded Prague Airport a recognised international AHA certificate.
In order to obtain the accreditation, it was necessary, for example, to provide information on all set measures and processes, including detailed records of all cleaning and disinfection means and methods, prepare an overview of changes in passenger handling processes, but also share specific steps in protecting employees’ health.
“Prague Airport has applied protection measures to its operation as one of the first entities in the Czech Republic. Therefore, we changed some check-in procedures at the airport and took steps to make the airport safe. Due to the situation at hand, we also decided to implement new cleaning and disinfection technologies, to invest in protective gear for employees and in protective plexiglass,” said Vaclav Rehor, Chairman of the Prague Airport Board of Directors.
“We have also increased the frequency of cleaning and at the same time launched a major educational campaign among passengers and employees. Our long-term efforts have now been confirmed by the receipt of the international ACI Airport Health Accreditation, which also proves that the set protection measures work, eliminate travel risks and thus increase the safety of flying from Prague,” further informed.
“To reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 among workers, we have also launched our own sophisticated and effective system for tracing and following contacts in the workplace, including a non-stop Infoline. We have involved in the initiative not only subsidiaries within the Prague Airport Group, but also other entities operating at Václav Havel Airport Prague,” Vaclav Rehor added.
Extensive photo documentation of protective measures in place or specific examples of communication through various online and offline communication channels of Prague Airport were some of the requirements for obtaining the ACI Airport Health Accreditation Certificate.
ACI Airport Health Accreditation (AHA) is an official certification programme that is open to all member airports of this organization worldwide. Under the programme, the ACI evaluates airports according to individual criteria and thus assesses their set protective measures and other tools they use in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.


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