Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau embarks on a promotional drive

While aiming to revive the tourism and business events industry, the Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau (PCEB) has embarked on a promotional trip to India to reconnect with the industry stakeholders through networking events.
India has been one of the top five visitors to Malaysia for a decade and shows no sign of hitting the brakes. Therefore, the promotional trip is essential for demonstrating the market readiness in India. With the Indian market being a key focus area for PCEB, the bureau is gearing up for its annual roadshow to the country in the early months of 2023.
Following the interest, the PCEB team together with YB Yeoh Soon Hin, the State Executive Councillor for Tourism & Creative Economy had a meeting with a few airlines to discuss direct flights opportunities to Penang from key cities in India.
“Penang is the first state in Malaysia to launch a well-designed SOS safety APP, making Penang once again the trendsetter in Malaysia’s tourism environment. With your support, we can restore travellers’ confidence to visit Penang and ensure that it remains a top destination for people from all over the world,” said Yeoh Soon Hin, State Executive Councillor for Tourism & Creative Economy.
 “PCEB’s dedication has not wavered, and our team is dedicated to fostering mutually beneficial relationships and working closely with the Indian community. The establishment of a direct flight between India and Penang is one of the primary topics of conversation at the moment,” said Ashwin Gunasekaran, Chief Executive Officer of Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau.
“We are already in discussion with airlines both in India and in Malaysia about the possibility of establishing additional direct flight routes between Penang and key cities in India,” he further informed.
“As Malaysia’s national airline, we are constantly working towards making Malaysia a preferred destination and are committed to help enhance Malaysia’s market share for the MICE industry. With the collective goal to strengthen connections and reinvigorate the Penang economy, Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with PCEB,” said Amit Mehta Country Manager- South Asia, Malaysia Airlines.
“We are confident that this alliance will prove to be positive for both PCEB and MAG in many ways. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial business relationship with PCEB,” he added.


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