Go get shot! It’s the responsible thing to do

By Rajeev Kohli
Joint Managing Director, Creative Travel

This is an expansion on a piece I recently wrote for the SITE India chapter newsletter. It is based on my firsthand experience of seeing the level of vaccine hesitancy not only in my town, but also within my immediate friends’ circle.
I got my first vaccination dose on March 3rd, shortly after the public opening. I got my second 6 weeks later. What surprised me both times is that barely 20-30% of the vaccination capacity at the centre was being used. People were just overly hesitant. Bizarre. And then when our second wave happened, boom – panic and a rush. And the obvious thing happened, vaccines ran out. Please, people – get everyone you know vaccinated. It is your responsibility to keeping yourself and the people around you safe.
There is a direct benefit to mass vaccinations to us in tourism & hospitality and in that there can be no doubt. Those vaccinated will get priority in their travel rights. We can harp all we want about discrimination and unfairness, but in an imperfect world, this is the most perfect solution there is.
When I look at key source markets, I see a sharp upswing in not only the desire to travel but also actual travel, all from people who got their vaccinations. We see destinations loosening rules for border crossings for those with proof of vaccination. Cities have opened up dining, malls and shops to the vaccinated. Carrying some sort of proof of being shot will be a new normal and one we need to accept. What does the proof look like? That debate will continue, but in the interim, there will be ways around it. If you look at our own Indian Cowin app, there is a new feature to verify a certificate from its QR code. So, we have already started a more secure system of checks.

I firmly believe that travel, leisure as well as incentives will be fueled by the Vaccine. This is not anecdotal. I talk from a firsthand experience of seeing clients make plans and book services now that they have been jabbed. This will be the saviour of our industry.

The last week has also seen news reports cover stories of our Indian vaccines being accepted by the Europeans. So much noise was heard on the ‘WhatsAppasphere’. It is a fact that nations are using the Vaccine as a tool of political pressure. Games are being played. But I do not doubt that Indian vaccines will be approved. The power of our spending will rule. The West needs our money and our travel power. So, let’s not stress about if we will be allowed to travel or not. Things will sort out themselves for sure.
Our industry is high contact. Such is the nature of tourism. So we need to approach our operations with the highest levels of responsibility in running our organisations. One step is to ensure that everyone in our system is vaccinated themselves. Going forward, itwill be mandatory that everyone who works for us is covered. Every guide and driver we use as well. We will ask every hotel to show proof of vaccination of its frontline employees. We need to ensure as many stakeholders are covered. Is this fair to infringe on personal choices? Maybe not, but that is a different debate. But there was nothing fair about the pandemic or how countries have reacted.

As a business,we have a fiduciary responsibility to our clients and guests to ensure they are safe. This is just one way to do it. As I said, in an imperfect system, every step counts. I have already been to a place that won’t let you in unless you are vaccinated with at least one shot. The very same way we have been used to walking into a hotel or mall after getting screened by a metal detector, we will now be showing an app or paper with our vaccination status. Welcome to our new normal.
My thoughts that are not unique to India alone. This is a responsibility that every tourism supplier across the world needs to consider. Unless we all walk in the same direction, we will not get the global tourism system back on track. We will only be as strong as our weakest link.
Was I scared of getting a new product inserted into my bloodstream? No! I have faith in science and faith that they would not produce something that would kill millions, no matter how much they rushed. I read up how the R&D on disease control is done, and it is a fact that there are so many cures developed but never make it to market as the virus dies out on its own. The Covid Vaccine has been produced based on decades of historical research. So have confidence.
I am happy that I now have a greater degree of freedom. I can travel. I can get on to a more normal life. Precautions will remain. New protocols will be respected. But I have shown my responsibility in protecting myself, my family and my employees.
So go get shot! This one doesn’t hurt.
Happy to get feedback and thoughts on this issue.


  1. Its very inspiring with all established facts that we all working in hospitality industry need to vaccinated to be back to main stream in coming future. In our case being a local travel agent and having family owned and operated resort (MandoreGuestHouse), Jodhpur all of us got vaccinated for better tomorrow.


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