36th IATO Convention to be organised from Dec 16-19 in Gandhinagar

The India Association Of Tour Operators (IATO) – the apex body of ‘Inbound Tour Operators’ is all set to visit Gandhinagar for its 36th Annual Convention scheduled to take place at The Leela Hotel.
While announcing the convention schedule, IATO’s President Rajiv Mehra says, “We planned to have our convention in Gujarat in September 2020 but had to postponed the same due to the Covid-19 pandemic.”
“Since the situation is improving now day-by-day and vaccination is going on in full swing, we believe December would be the appropriate time to have our convention. This will give time to the stake holders to get their second dose who have not taken it so far and be ready to attend the convention,” added Mehra.
“Since travel and hospitality industry is going through a very bad time, our prime focus would be to have deliberations as to how we can revive tourism and bring it back to pre-covid level,” says IATO President while explaining on the content of the first physical conversation post COVID-19.
Mehra opines that while visiting Gujarat after a gap of 10 years; it will be an excellent opportunity for the members to see the improved and developed infrastructure in Gujarat.
Mehra mentioned that, “The stupendous success of the previous convention has raised the expectations of the members and sponsors. More than 900 delegates are expected for 3 days event and the IATO convention is eagerly awaited by all.”
Concurrently with the convention, a Travel Mart will be organised which will be an opportunity for the exhibitors to showcase exciting and diverse range of destinations, conference and Incentive venues especially by the state governments.
Apart from that various post convention tours would be organised, which would be of great interest for the industry stakeholders.
“All SOPs and norms would be strictly followed and all delegates who will attend the convention, will have to submit copy of fully vaccination certificate and based on that their convention registration will be accepted,” informed the President.


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